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City Treasures: Zulu coconut given to President Obama

presentation Mardi Gras Zulu Coconut. From left: United States Senator Mary L. Landrieu, D-La.; White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers; Zulu first lady Patricia Wade Hamilton; President Obama (holding coconut); Zulu President Charles Edgar Hamilton Jr.; Coconut artist Keith Eccles. [Pete Souza/White House]

(2009) President Barrack Obama was presented a Zulu Coconut, by members of the Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club in commemoration of their 100th anniversary, and his election as the nation's first African-American president. The black carnival club, based in New Orleans has a special White House connection, as Desiree Glapion Rogers, the Social Secretary, was a former Queen of Zulu in 1988 and 2000. Her late father was Roy Glapion, a prominent Zulu leader, and New Orleans city councilman.

The New Orleans delegation included U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu, who coordinated the visit; Keith Eddings, the coconut artist; and Zulu President Charles Edgar Hamilton, Jr., and his wife, Zulu first lady Patricia Wade Hamilton.

President Obama holding the Zulu Coconut [Pete Souza/White House]

The Zulu organization's annual parade on Mardi Gras day is one of the city's most prominent parades. The Zulu coconut is also known as the "Golden Nugget" because it is the most coveted parade throw (or soveneir). In 1949, trumpeter Louis Armstrong, a New Orleans native, but a New York City resident, became the first celebrity Zulu King. The event was chronicled by Time magazine, when Armstrong also made history by becoming the first jazz musician to ever grace its cover. In the article, Armstrong famously said:

There's a thing I've dreamed of all my life," he graveled, "and I'll be damned if it don't look like it's about to come true—to be King of the Zulus' Parade. After that I'll be ready to die."

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