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Hill Harper Launches Letters to a Young Sister in NYC

Yesterday, I attended an event that involved a major prime-time network actor, and must confess that I have never seen any of his work. However, I've always been in awe of his role as a tireless advocate for young people.

Last night, I went to a book signing and reading by author, and actor Hill Harper from the hit CBS show, CSI: NY.  He made an appearance to promote and launch his latest book, Letters to a Young Sister: DeFINE Your Destiny.  There was a standing-room-only crowd at Harlem's Hue-Man Bookstore and Cafe to hear the lecture.

Hill Harper has been on my radar for a couple of years, but mostly for his stellar entrepreneurial, philanthropic, and mentoring accomplishments.  He first came to my attention, as a major investor in one of my favorite boutique hotels in New Orleans, International House. He also co-owns another hotel in the city, Loft 523, and has several restaurants in California.  In his off-time, Hill Harper volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles.

In addition to being a successful television, film, and stage actor, Mr. Harper has also distinguished himself by making education a top priority.  He received an undergraduate degree magna cum laude from Brown University, and has degrees in both law and public administration from Harvard University.

I'm always moved whenever I see someone who uses their celebrity status to promote positive projects, and empower others.  Mr. Harper’s first national best-selling book, Letters to a Young Brother: MANifest Your Destiny, which was named a Best Book for Young Adults by the American Library Association in 2007. His latest book, released yesterday, Letters to a Young Sister, is already receiving wide-acclaim.  Hill Harper writes using the voice of the proverbial “big brother” in a series of email letters to the “universal little sister.”

When Mr. Harper arrived, he bounded into the room, and announced that Barack Obama, his Harvard Law School classmate, had just been named the presumptive Democratic Party nominee for president of the United States. He immediately opened Letters to a Young Sister, and read the inspirational words of Michelle Obama, addressed to a young woman, who worried about being considered too studious by her peers.

There are also contributions from admirable women in his life, including Angela Bassett,  Ruby Dee, Ciara, and a host of others, with a forward by actress Gabrielle Union.  He told us, “The most loving contribution in my mind is from Nikki Giovanni.  We reprinted her poem ‘Ego Tripping’ for the first time. She also wrote an original piece to contribute to the book.”  He admitted that the book is longer than Letters to a Young Brother to reflect the fact that “young women are more complex.  The book is near and dear to my heart.”

Letters to a Young Sister is filled with advice about education, setting goals, financial empowerment, relationships, careers, and a host of other topics that are common to most teenaged girls, as they enter adulthood.  The self-help book is honest, direct, and has an easy conversational style. It's truly an enjoyable read that reinforces  the always important life lessons of self-respect, self-confidence, and self-reliance.

Mr. Harper said that his latest book, is a companion  to Letters to a Young Brother.  “Success, achievement, and happiness are not gender specific.  However, these are two distinctly different books.”  He mentioned that one young woman told him, how reading the first book, encouraged her to start her own business.

The young women in the audience were asked to focus on the tile of the book, which uses the acronym, DeFINE.  Mr. Harper told everyone to remember that they were F.I.N.E., which stands for:

F - Fantastic
I  - Interesting
N - Necessary
E - Exceptional

Hill%20Harper.jpgOne measurable outcome of the success of Mr. Harper’s exceptional work, has been the Manifest Your Destiny Foundation.  The nonprofit, serves young people.  In September 2008, the site will re-launch with new components including online mentoring programs, and financial literacy education in conjunction with Wachovia Bank.  Mr. Harper told everyone that he did not want to name the foundation after himself, because he wants it to continue in perpetuity.  I will make sure to post an update, because he is truly doing the great things.

Total sidenote: this is one of the only pics that came out, shot over my head (it was CROWDED).  Anywho, what you cannot see is this really cool t-shirt that he had on that said "Soul Detroit" on the front.